The actual book has
a much shorter index, so this might prove useful to you:
Absolute, 12–14, 172,
205–6, 238, 262
is beyond cause and
effect, 194
chakra theory and,
curative power of,
171, 291
as fact, 245
flood story, 254
focus on, 279
as God, 299
as guiding light,
identification with,
197, 198, 208
is invisible, 185,
as a principle,
reincarnates, 168,
revealed by yoga,
152, 263
is satisfying, 262
science of the, 12,
18, 140, 143, 162
union with, 261, 263
we are one, 165, 241
absolutism, 12, 119, 211, 245
value of, 270
accidents, 215
goal oriented,
252–53, 256
unitive, 204
yoga in, 265
See also karma
addiction, 293, 295, 300–301
advice, 217
afterlife, 44, 247
as distraction,
amnesia, 287
ananda, 232, 235
anger, 301–2
anxiety, 107, 236–37,
287, 315
appearances, 278
arch shape, 15–16, 166
Aristotle, 181
Arjuna, 92, 93, 320
is an ideal
disciple, 155, 249
excellence of, 151, 158
armchair philosophy, 86
arrows, 59, 83–84, 144
as it is, 264
Asimov, Isaac, 310–11
attachment, 300–303
attainments, 261–62
See also siddhis
Aum, 161
authenticity, 10, 60, 222,
260–61, 315
of inner voice, 178
search for, 42, 87,
authority, 61, 68–69,
105, 178
babelization, 245
balance, 159, 163, 183–84,
309, 311
to honor and
dishonor, 223–24
about impediments, 176
vs. indifference,
fosters intuition,
309, 311–13
loss of, 301, 393
and reason 311
taught by guru, 228
is yoga, 56, 152,
291, 312
battle, 218
beauty, 173
Beethoven, 235–36
beliefs, 177
false, 131–32, 238
in God, 177–78
limiting, 171
root of conflict,
about suffering, 307
unquestioned, 143,
benefit of action, 266
relinquished, 256
Bergson, Henri, 239
bhagavan, 19–21
Bible, 48, 54, 181, 243, 294
bipolarity, 159, 228, 230
blindfold, 47, 62
blindness, 45–46, 48–49,
90, 122, 255, 321
Nitya on, 320–21
bliss, 249, 291, 292
losing touch with,
Bohr, Niels, 308
bondage, 56–58, 86, 271,
to beliefs, 104, 253
to duty, 212
release from, 293
bow symbolism, 83, 137
Boy Scouts, 265
Brahma (creator), 186
brahman, (Absolute), 245
brahmin, 63–64
flood story, 254
Buddha, 49–50, 235–36,
Calasso, Roberto, The
Marriage of Cadmus and Harmony, 20
caring, 101, 142
Cartesian coordinates, 95
caste, 22–24, 131–32
cause and effect, 200, 234
certitude, 78, 203, 233
dispels fear, 237
philosophical, 179
scientific, 205
chakras, 195–96
child development, 65–66,
68–69, 86–87,
surrender to
authority, 105, 178
Chogyam Trungpa, 247
chosen people, 251
Christianity, 206
clarity, 304, 306, 314, 326
clothes make the man, 278, 281
clothes simile, 192
cold and heat, 172–73
communication, 240–41
compassion, 307–8
concentration, 176, 263, 297,
313, 315
concepts, 207
conch blowing, 73, 75, 77, 80
conditioning, 120, 123, 147,
coping with, 149–50
also bondage
conflict, 74, 75–76, 211
of beliefs, 244–45
benefits of, 112–13
contemplation, 119, 148, 205,
287–88, 322
in action, 87
advice on, 275, 285
on cause, 186–87
and desire, 279,
282, 296, 303
and expectations,
high road of, 5, 320
reverses night and
day, 318
and wisdom, 181, 312
also meditation
corporations, 46, 68, 122
cow, divine, 134
creativity, 126, 256, 315
based in forms, 22
criticism, 224
Cummings, E.E., A
Fairytale, 192
damnation, 229
Daumal, Rene, Mount
Analogue, 268
death, 168
for a cause, 65–66
sense of loss, 187
de Botton, Alain
The Consolations of Philosophy, 163–64
Status Anxiety, 223
de Chardin, Teilhard, 101
decision making, 153, 265
delusion, 266, 272, 325–26
depression, 156, 181, 183–84
Arjuna’s 101
from thwarted
expression, 108, 220, 329
desire, 159, 246–47, 282
stifles effective
action, 257
banishing, 279
for change, 59
and seeking, 159
zing! of, 282
desirelessness, 257
detachment, 86, 173, 280–81,
283–84, 286–88, 298, 304
devil’s playground, 253
dharma, 45, 210, 212
according to
Aurobindo, 212–13
according to Nitya,
leads to
enlightenment, 213
how expressed, 257
losing touch with,
216, 218, 257
recovering, 258
sabotaged by seeking
honor, 222
Dhritarashtra, 44, 50, 320–21
sons of, 120
dialectical reasoning, 136,
232–33, 235, 263, 268
dialectics, 8, 86, 140, 268,
flawed, 150
of guru and
disciple, 227–28
in learning, 92
proper field for,
Terror of the Foe,
also yoga
Dick, Philip K., on reality,
direct experience, 207, 209
disadoption, 127, 259
discipleship, 85–86, 93,
95–96, 155
preparation for,
156–57, 176
questioning, 133–34
discrimination, 178–79
dishonor, 223
distractions, 156, 187
See also impediments
dog on a leash, 148
doubt, 118, 133, 148, 323
duality, 108, 188, 208
of matter and
spirit, 166
duty, 7, 17, 23, 116, 149
and dharma, 212–13
true meaning of, 329
Eagleman, David, Incognito,
ecstasy, 19, 241, 287
ego, 147, 170, 323
defenses, 154, 301,
insecurity of, 198,
224–25, 241
parried by guru, 199
and quitting, 112,
115, 216, 220
and siddhis, 261
surrender of, 157,
Einstein, Albert, 166
elections, 219
elements, 194
emotional intelligence,
264–65, 284
empirical truth, 233
enemies, 66, 98, 110, 129, 184
in yoga, 90
enthusiasm, 93, 148, 181, 220
equanimity, 226, 261, 315
is a positive
quality, 273
in reason, 264
See also balance
escape, 230
escapism, 44, 138, 204, 216
eureka phenomenon, 310
Eve, 243
evil, 219–20
evolution, 215
excuses, 116–17
existence, 177
expectations, 259
freedom from, 228,
in religion, 273
in science, 281
exploitation, 249
facts, 244–45
made up, 245–46
not needed, 212
fantasy, 49, 169, 216
sexual, 282
spiritual 272, 292
fatalism, 256
fear, 171,
cured by yoga,
of death, 236–37
as motivator, 177,
fighting, 138, 182, 191, 211,
213, 227
dialectics of, 159
for good, 56
fire of wisdom, 204
firm resolve, 140
flood story, 254–55
freedom, 117,
122, 171, 257
imaginary, 87, 109
also independence
free time, 221–22
free will, lost, 86, 248
friendship repair, 90
Frost, Robert, 52, 204
fun, 261, 288, 292, 329
Gandhari, 47–48
gender issues, 73–74
Gita, meaning of, 19
goal orientation, 252–53,
for siddhis, 261
in sports, 261–62
God, 178, 206
absence of, 115
belief in, 177, 319
is pitiful, 266
words fall short,
gods, worship of, 144, 227
Gonzales, Lawrence, Everyday
Survival, 316
good vs. evil, 56, 219
grief, 187
groveling, 154
gunas, 250–51
guru, 10–12, 154, 278
care in choosing,
offsets imbalances,
happiness, 161, 216, 284–85
from creative
intuition, 312
projected, 118, 170
heaven, 143, 246
an opiate, 203, 216,
in the present, 130
secular, 248
temporary, 228, 248
true, 322
Vonnegut’s, 247–48
hell, 117, 130, 204, 237
in the present, 130,
threat of, 204
history, 125–26
holiness, 64
honor, 220, 222
and dishonor, 143,
hope, 219
horizontal, 15, 45, 95–96
polarities, 172–73
unrelated to
realization, 234
Huxley, Aldous, 212
Hypatia, 235–36
I, 188, 240
I Ching, 152
identity, 100, 137–38,
idolatry,158–59, 206,
ignorance, 171
imitation, 212
immortality, 166, 175–76
impediments, 17, 23, 176, 216,
polarities, 173
See also distractions, fantasy
inaction, 256, 281
independence, 77–78, 86–87,
in face of
criticism, 224
surrender of, 127
indifference, 273
indulgence, 173
initiation, 93, 155, 209
inner bliss, 170
inner voice, 158–59, 178,
integrity, loss of, 108
intellect, 274–75, 299
disdain for, 275
intelligence, 173, 290, 320
intimacy, 89
intolerance, 166
intuition, 178, 238–39
creative, 175,
Isa Upanishad, 266
isolation, 181
Jacobs, W.W., The
Monkey’s Paw, 261
Jensen, Derrick, A
Language Older Than Words, 106–7
Jung, Carl, 200
justice, 67, 71
karma, 200, 235
popular view of,
235, 265
karma yoga, 328
Katha Upanishad, 185, 186
killing, 120, 185
as a duty, 189, 213
the real battle, 218
know your self, 261
Krishna, 320
choosing, 53
Arjuna, 227–28, 230
last word, 211, 213,
testing Arjuna,
143–44, 222
kshema, 252–53
kshetra (field), 47, 97, 253
Kurukshetra, 95, 220, 246
Kurus, 43, 45
lawyer example, 281
Lehrer, Jonah, How
We Decide, 264–65, 308
letting go, 257–58, 287–88
life lessons, 112, 215
linear thinking, 136
listening, 158–59
lord, 19–20
losing, 308
losing touch, 218–19
love, 204, 258
God, 280
interpersonal, 259
life, 260
thy neighbor, 293–94
true, 157
Mahabharata, 1
mantras, 265
marital issues, 90, 123–24,
127, 183
trust in, 157
market economics, 266
Marx, Karl, 204
materialism, 168, 181, 201
mausoleum of the guru, 236
“Me”, 298–99
meaning, 181
meditation, 173, 175, 289–90,
309, 319
on chakras, 195
on tat tvam asi, 14
Seneca’s, 164
also contemplation
memory, 287
merit, 70, 234–5, 237,
metalanguage, 239–41
meter, exalted, 150, 187, 193,
207, 322
middle ground, 85–86
Miller, Alice, 66
mind, 188–89, 274
absorption, 175, 297
Arjuna’s, 320
balanced, 56, 309,
healthy, 173, 304
how it learns, 187,
neutrality of, 273
retention in, 287
stabilizing, 197–98,
subduing, 275
mindfulness, 298, 314
miracles, 166, 201,
mouse, 304
mistakes, 308
modalities of nature. See
Mojo Sam quote, 314
Moore, Thomas, Care
of the Soul, 82
music, 206–7
marital, 123–24
social, 126, 210
Narayana, 321
Narayana Guru, 14, 240
Nataraja Guru, 8, 119, 152
on the Absolute, 13
acting as guru,
comments, 18, 19,
86, 150, 222, 282, 285, 303
three types of
reasoning, 232–33
translations, 237,
244, 252, 265, 273, 275, 306, 312
value of first
chapter, 16, 42
nature, 180
reveals karma, 235
neurons, 264
rewiring, 292–93,
neutrality, 85–87, 90,
257, 272–73, 291
to impediments, 176
night and day, 296, 318, 320
nirvana, 325
niryogakshema, 252
Nitya Chaitanya Yati, 24,
on blindness, 320–21
on dharma, 214
on dialectics, 268
on initiation, 93
on verticalization,
nonduality, 306
nonviolence, 220, 298
noosphere, 101
now, the, 287–88
ocean and wave, 189
one and the many, 180
One Beyond, 291, 293, 294, 299
oneness, 97, 238
as goal, 240
our native state,
one–sidedness, 244
openness, 89
Oppenheimer, Robert, 285
opportunity, 191
from conflict, 127,
215, 268–69
opposites, 172–73, 251,
otherworldly states, 304
pain, 172–73, 225, 270
Pandavas, 43, 53, 57
paradox, 126, 268, 292, 322
Arjuna’s, 118, 155
good vs. evil, 56
passivity, 202
path, 211, 237, 252, 272
openness of, 227,
patience, 172
peace, 52, 176, 249, 322–24
from creative
intuition, 312
forced, 261
in religion, 243
restoration of, 269
and war, 52
persona, 197, 247
is like clothing,
and schizophrenia,
planning, 266
pleasure, 172, 249
poetry, 239, 319
police officer example, 189,
possessiveness, 323
poverty, 109
spiritual, 5, 266
voluntary, 172
prana, 194
prayer, 319–20
Procrustes reference, 211
unconscious, 84
of universe, 196
propaganda, 243
protolanguage, 239
psychedelic medicine, 126,
291, 293
psychic powers. See
pundit, 129
purity, 251
questioning, 157, 277
Ramakrishna, 89
rationalism, 168–69
reality, 204
realization, 240, 247, 264
transmitted, 236
reason, 174, 235
in action is yoga,
265, 267–68, 289, 305
equal–minded, 264
half–baked, 163
and happiness, 285
limits of, 268
loss of, 303
three types, 232–33
well–founded, 140,
238, 249, 270, 279–81, 306–7
unitive, 238–39,
263, 275
rebellion. 87
regret, 208–9
reincarnation, 168–69
as an excuse, 191
equated with goal
orientation, 252
dependent on karma,
reimagined, 191–92
religion, 130, 145, 238
discredited, 17–18,
243, 266
evangelical, 243
flood story, 254–55
how formed, 236,
distorts Gita’s
message, 174
history of, 144
opiate of the people,
static, 253
results, expectations of,
rules, 107–8, 161, 248
saccidananda, 232–33
sadness, 163, 201
salvation, 118, 166, 248
savior syndrome,
samadhi, 175, 275, 276, 291
See also sameness
sameness, 260–61
samskaras, 147, 300
See also conditioning
Sanjaya, 51–52
schooling, 106–7
scientific attitude, 281, 305,
scorn, 225
scripts, mental, 316
scripture, 275, 292
secondhand ideas, 200, 206,
“I am realized”, 240
seeing, 171
self, grounding in, 197
self–acceptance, 247
self–help books, 247
selfishness, 65–66, 78,
self–denial, 292
self–respect, 260
Seneca, 163–64
sensory experience, 171–74,
189, 299, 305
deceptiveness of,
290, 295–96
negative effects,
suppression of, 297
Shankara, 42, 104, 271
Sharpe, Eric J., A
Universal Gita, 131–32
Shiva, (destroyer), 186
staying grounded,
as stimulus, 104,
siddhis, 261
silence, 245
sin, 59, 117, 229
value of, 135
Sinatra, Frank, That’s
Life, 182–83
Socrates, 263
spirit, 180
spirituality, 216
sports, 261–62
stability, 197–98
subatomic particle analogy,
suffering, 262, 270–71,
superstition, 264, 307
Surowiecki, James, The
Wisdom of Crowds, 77
surrender, 154–55, 157
surveillance, 122
symmetry, 200
teacher analogy, 258
difficulty in
finding one, 277
guidelines for, 144,
162, 199, 227–28, 230
teasing, Krishna’s, 143–44,
tenderness, 142, 154–55
thought, 188–89, 329
tradition, 125, 128
transactional behavior, 90,
223, 257
transcendence, 198, 251, 271
of interpretation,
of personal point of
view, 219
of transactions, 257
of words, 207
triangle analogy, 180
trust, 157
misplaced, 178
as the goal, 213
grasping of, 245
United Nations, 127
unitive action, 204, 222, 324,
unity, 98, 99, 108, 188–89,
forgetting of, 170
of human species,
source of happiness,
universe, 165, 201
values, 232–33, 235–36
absolute, 251
distortion of, 302–3
vasanas, 147, 300
See also conditioning
Vedanta, 17–18, 143
central tenet, 13,
detachment in, 286
Vedas, 244, 273
flood story, 254
on karma, 248
vertical, 15, 45, 95–96,
three types of
reasoning and, 232–33
victory, 110, 220
virtues, 189
Vishnu (sustainer), 186
Vonnegut, Kurt, 247–48,
Vyasa, 2
war, 124, 129
art of, 52, 66, 147
Gita opposes, 159
point of, 73–74
Waring, Clive, (amnesia) 287
warrior, 182, 213, 227
symbol of bondage,
55–6, 119
Whitman, Walt, 304
winning and losing, 227, 262
wisdom sacrifice, 140, 263
wisdom transmission, 92, 157,
258, 263–64
wishful thinking, 216, 246–47,
See also fantasy
withdrawal. 172, 220, 221, 322
women, 128–29
wonder, 205
Woodman, Marion, (on arrows),
words, 158–59
limitations of, 199
power of, 243–44
wars waged over, 246
See also metalanguage
Wordsworth, William, 318–19
world, spiritual relationship
to, 148
wounds, psychological, 154–55
Yeats, W.B., The
Second Coming, 66
yoga, 56, 81, 230, 267, 289,
aim of, 249
reveals the
Absolute, 86, 152, 263
balancing of
opposites, 163, 291–92, 312
defined, 260, 261,
262, 265, 267, 326
and dialectics, 136
essence of, 230
expressed in the
word structure, 162
faith unnecessary,
frees from fear,
and gunas, 250–51
practical examples,
90, 99
reason in action,
secret technique,
stepwise, 252
and suffering, 262
unaffected by
outcomes, 260
reveals value, 235
also dialectical reasoning,
ZBS, 314
Zen, 257
mirror polishing,
Zeus, 20
Z’s yoga in action, 268–69